foto by Francesco Ridolfi |
Un diverso linguaggio è una diversa visione della vita
A different language, is a different vision of life
Federico Fellini
1) Italian is the international language of food, interior design, fashion, haute cuisine. It is also widespread in the arts and in the luxury goods market. It’s spoken by 61 million people.Italian is the fourth most studied language in the world. If you can read it, you’ll be able to dip into the original works of Dante Alighieri, Petrarca, Leopardi, Umberto Eco...and admire the words of Bocelli, Pavarotti, Tiziano Ferro, Laura Pausini, Eros Ramazzotti...
2) Italian lyfestyle teaches people how to live. In Italy, the most important thing is family and friends. Italians enjoy life and embrace it, take the time to enjoy good food, good wine, and good company. They love eating fresh healthy foods from a Mediterranean diet. They live with passion, serenity and enjoyment
3) Italian is not difficult to learn. You can learn it quickly and without a big effort. Italian is the one language in which many of you know a few words: ciao, pizza, cappuccino, espresso, pasta, spaghetti, dolce vita...
Italian is a phonetic language. This means there is a direct and predictable correlation between sounds and spelling. As a result, you can look at a written word and know exactly how to pronounce it
4) Italian is the language of love and romanticism. In Italian there are many words for "I love you"
Ti amo! - I love you!
Ti voglio bene - I love you a lot
Mi piaci - I like you.
Sei tutto per me - You are everything to me.
Sono innamorato / innamorata di te - I'm in love with you
Ho bisogno di te. - I need you
Ti voglio - I love you
Ti desidero - I want you
A micro-survey of 320 linguists found that Italian tops their list for the most romantic tongue
5) Despite the country's recent economic troubles, Italy continues to play an important role in the world economy.
In UK, for example, If you're looking for a job in business, you'll find that speaking Italian is a particularly useful skill. In research carried out two years ago, Italian was the fourth most frequently requested language by employers. It appeared in 14 per cent of job advertisements for languages, particularly in the financial sector
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info@istitutoeuropeo.it - www.istitutoeuropeo.org