giovedì 23 gennaio 2020

𝘿𝙪𝙖𝙡 𝘿𝙞𝙥𝙡𝙤𝙢𝙖 𝙞𝙣 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙡, 𝙏𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙢 & 𝙃𝙤𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 (𝙏𝙏𝙃𝙈)

Did you know that one out of 10 workers worldwide are currently employed in the tourism industry? 

Combining specialized modules in hospitality and Italian language courses with a 6-months internship at local tourism-related enterprises, IE’s Dual Diploma in Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Management (TTHM)  introduces students to both the world of work and of higher education in one of the world’s largest and most dynamic sectors.

Internship: As an accredited Centre for Professional Training, IE prepares students for dynamic and rewarding careers within some of the world’s leading industries.

Higher Education: As an official C.I.L.S. Preparation Center, IE prepares international students to admission to Bachelor’s degrees at Italian universities.

Ready to join?

#IE #TTHM #Travel #Tourism #HospitalityManagement #Pathway

martedì 4 dicembre 2018

Five good reasons to study Italian

foto by Francesco Ridolfi

Un diverso linguaggio è una diversa visione della vita
A different language, is a different vision of life 
Federico Fellini

1) Italian is the international language of food, interior design, fashion, haute cuisine. It is also widespread in the arts and in the luxury goods market. It’s spoken by 61 million people.Italian is the fourth most studied language in the world. If you can read it, you’ll be able to dip into the original works of Dante Alighieri, Petrarca, Leopardi, Umberto Eco...and admire the words of Bocelli, Pavarotti, Tiziano Ferro, Laura Pausini, Eros Ramazzotti...

2) Italian lyfestyle teaches people how to live. In Italy, the most important thing is family and friends. Italians enjoy life and embrace it, take the time to enjoy good food, good wine, and good company. They love eating fresh healthy foods from a Mediterranean diet. They live with passion, serenity and enjoyment

3) Italian is not difficult to learn. You can learn it quickly and without a big effort. Italian is the one language in which many of you know a few words: ciao, pizza, cappuccino, espresso, pasta, spaghetti, dolce vita...
Italian is a phonetic language. This means there is a direct and predictable correlation between sounds and spelling. As a result, you can look at a written word and know exactly how to pronounce it

4) Italian is the language of love and romanticism. In Italian there are many words for "I love you"

Ti amo! - I love you!
Ti voglio bene - I love you a lot
Mi piaci - I like you.
Sei tutto per me - You are everything to me.
Sono innamorato / innamorata di te - I'm in love with you
Ho bisogno di te. - I need you
Ti voglio - I love you
Ti desidero - I want you

A micro-survey of 320 linguists found that Italian tops their list for the most romantic tongue

5) Despite the country's recent economic troubles, Italy continues to play an important role in the world economy.
In UK, for example, If you're looking for a job in business, you'll find that speaking Italian is a particularly useful skill. In research carried out two years ago, Italian was the fourth most frequently requested language by employers. It appeared in 14 per cent of job advertisements for languages, particularly in the financial sector

Ready to get started? -

venerdì 30 novembre 2018

Istituto Europeo - Learn Italian in Florence in 3 weeks!

(foto Zivile Abrutyte)

The best Italian course for you is the one that you can stick at without getting distracted or losing motivation.
That's why we offer you a 3 week supertintensive Italian course, individual, 8 hours per day 5 days per week.

You need enthusiasm we give you confidence and results.

Ready to get started?

martedì 16 ottobre 2018

Foodie dietitian blogging internship?

Foto via Dissapore

Are you interested in becoming a foodie dietitian blogger?

Are you interested in a writing and blogging career in nutrition?

Start an internship with an online company and become a freelance nutrition writer.
Italian dietician blog is searching for the best and brightest students to join their team of talented professionals.

Start from Italy
Start for a bright career!

Contact Istituto Europeo: 

giovedì 9 agosto 2018

Istituto Europeo Concerto agosto 2018 - IE Concert August 2018

IE Concerto agosto 2018 - IE Concert August 2018
L'Istituto Europeo è lieto di invitarvi al Concerto degli studenti.
Il Concerto avrà luogo venerdì, 10 agosto alle ore 19:30.
Luogo: Istituto Europeo - Via del Parione 1 - Firenze
*seguirà un piccolo rinfresco
Istituto Europeo is honoured to invite you at the Concert of the students. 
The Concert will be held this Friday, August 10 at 7:30pm.
Place: Istituto Europeo - Via del Parione 1 - Firenze
*There will be a small party following the concert

martedì 29 maggio 2018


Allo scopo di promuovere la diffusione della lingua e cultura italiana nel mondo, abbiamo il piacere di comunicare che l'Istituto Europeo mette a disposizione borse di studio al 100% da assegnare nelle date dal 23 luglio al 17 agosto e solo per i livelli A1/A2 (corso 2L/4L di 2/4 sett.)
Coloro che intendono candidarsi dovranno inviare al nostro Istituto il formulario d’iscrizione ( con la dicitura ESTATE 18.
Le iscrizioni dovranno essere accompagnate dal versamento di Euro 70,00 di tassa d’iscrizione valida 12 mesi.

Prof. Rinaldo Romagnoli
Direttore IE

Istituto Europeo the fast-paced evolution in teaching languages

venerdì 17 novembre 2017

We will shorten your agony by learning Italian

In salita vado forte per abbreviare l’agonia - 
When the road goes uphill I sprint to shorten my agony
(Marco Pantani winner of the 1998 Giro d'Italia and Tour de France)

Do you know that grammar rules are what fluent speakers use to describe what they already know?
We will make you a better speaker just by speaking Italian before you use it
with hardly any effort
We will shorten your agony when you learn a new language

Istituto Europeo the fast-paced evolution in teaching languages

Please contact:

lunedì 23 ottobre 2017

Learn Italian in 3 weeks!!!

Three weeks with an IE Italian Superintensive Course is ample time to start speaking
a new language!
Learning a language is about speaking a language, and with our IE Superintensive, our students are able to start having conversations in just three weeks time, proving that
the shortest path to a real-life conversation.

That's it!

Ready to get started?

mercoledì 6 settembre 2017

Presentazione del libro "Il mistero della verruca" all'Istituto Europeo

Ieri davanti ad un folto pubblico si è presentato il libro "Il mistero della Verruca" di Eloisa Brancolini e Alessandro Ricci, EdiGiò Edizioni.
Ha presentato Giammatteo Ricci.

Il libro è di scorrevole lettura, prende fin dalle prime pagine. E' una storia di amicizia e di ricerca di un tesoro in una fortezza che è poi la metafora per la possibilità di libero arbitrio nel mondo adolescenziale.
E' un libro che ritorna ai valori dell'amicizia, della fede in Dio e del dono del libero arbitrio. Il rifiuto della violenza (è un libro contro il bullismo giovanile).

Un libro per l'infanzia e non solo.

Un momento della presentazione

A Firenze è in vendita presso la libreria Todo Modo di via dei Fossi 15/r. Altrimenti è acquistabile presso l'editore:

Please contact:

martedì 29 agosto 2017

20 Years Anniversary ItalRosa 1997-2017

1997 - 2017 _ ItalRosa exists 20 years

ItalRosa bestaat 23 september 20 jaar en om dat te vieren gaan we volgende week studeren in Florence aan het Istituto Europeo. Ik zeg wel 'we', maar ik bedoel eigenlijk de 21 studenten die zich hebben aangemeld. Er volgen t.z.t. vast leuke foto's.
Firenze, arriviamo!!
ItalRosa exists 23 September 20 years and to celebrate we are going to study next week in Florence at the Istituto Europeo. I'll say " we but I mean the 21 students who signed up. I'm sure there are some nice pictures.
Firenze, arriviamo!!

Please contact: