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via www.gelatofestival.it |
by Ilaria Gelichi
Ice cream has a long history, and it’s much older than
one could imagine. Something similar to ice cream already existed in ancient
times but it was quite different from ours: the custom of cooling milk, fruit
and honey was already widespread in the Far East, Greek and Turkey but also the Romans during their banquets used
to consume chopped fruit mixed with honey and snow.
However, these "mixtures" looked more like a sorbet than our ice cream,
and it is in fact during the Middle Ages that in Sicily are prepared the first sorbets and
ices, thanks to a new technique of
freezing fruit learned
from the Arabs and refined by the Sicilians.
it’s during Renaissance and in Florence
in particular that comes the luck of ice cream, which at this point looks quite similar to the one we know.
According to legend, a poultry seller named Ruggeri won with his sorbet
a contest held by the lords of Florence ,
the Medici, becoming famous throughout
the region. The "ice
cream" was put into moulds
of various shapes, realizing sculptures
that amazed the diners. When in 1533 Caterina de' Medici married Enrico d'Orleans and moved to Paris, wanted
Ruggeri with her, who brought to
France the tradition of ice
cream, giving rise to its spread
throughout Europe. In the same period, another Florentine contributed to the birth of the ice cream as we know it today: Bernardo Buontalenti,
who was famous mostly as an artist and animator at the court of Cosimo I
de 'Medici and was the first
to freeze a cream made with milk and eggs. Having received
the task of organizing the festivities
to welcome a Spanish delegation,
Buontalenti organized theater
performances in the gardens and
along the river Arno, a great show at the Fortezza da Basso, fireworks and prepared a cream flavored
with bergamot, lemon and orange,
frozen with a mixture of his own
invention. Historical records show
that it was the brilliant artist
in person to think up an important innovation to conserve the snow. During the winter, the snow was normally collected and pressed in cellars lined
with straw to keep it longer. Buontalenti created special cellars with an interspace, filled with cork and lined with wood to allow the flow of water as the ice melted. These cellars were located outside the city walls, in Via delle Ghiacciaie (ghiacciaia means icebox) - a road that still