Walking to my internship everyday, I pass through the high-end shopping area of Florence. The streets are lined by Prada, Gucci, Fendi, Burberry, and more. The window displays catch my eye with their glittering lights, sleek design, and of course fantastic offerings of clothes, shoes, and handbags. Fantasies of walking in and purchasing that must-have dress and the heels to match are ruined by the price card on display in the corner of the window, and I come back to the reality of having the shopping budget of a college student.
However, July in Florence is a magical month. This is when those prices are slashed through and marked down. When big signs reading, "Saldi! Sales!" are put up in the display windows of almost every store in the city, from small shops, to department stores, and even some of the high-fashion boutiques like Gucci. The sales last through the summer and offer shoppers the chance to revamp their wardrobes and get their hands on items that were unaffordable before. The sales take places all throughout Italy, and happen for a short period in the winter too. Even though every major city in the country participates in the sale season, Florence offers a wide selection of stores to shop at, with good quality products and a wonderful environment to do it in.
Besides the history and beauty of Florence, these sales offer another great incentive to visit Italy during the summer. Tourists and locals alike stroll through the streets with bags in hand and an eagerness to get the best deals they can find. Its hard to avoid getting whiplash looking from store to store, comparing prices, while also taking in the general excitement that is always present in the daily activities of Florence.